Correspondence from Southern Patagonia

Punta Arenas
Dedication on studio photo, 1930

The writer is Inés Paz, an 11-year-old girl, who has just been photographed with her grandfather, younger brother and sister. Her budding strict personality comes through: she doesn't seem to like the results -- judge for yourself here

Transcription & Translation

Querida tia
aqui te mando esta fotografia para que nos vean que no estamos muy bien pero no importa otra vez saldremos mejor
muchos vesos de la mama del papa y de todos los de la casa
Ines Paz Diaz
10 de noviembre de 1930

Dear aunt
I´m sending you this photograph so that you can see us; we don´t look very good, but it doesn´t matter; next time we´ll come out better.
Lots of kisses from mummy and daddy and everyone at the house.
Inés Paz Díaz
10th November 1930

Correspondence from Southern Patagonia