Stocks and Notes of Southern Patagonia
Economic development brought investment, encouraging the formation
of limited companies and credit mechanisms. These are a sample of the corresponding
legal instruments.
Several of the materials for this album have been generously provided by Dick Hanscom, who would like
to hear from readers about items similar to those shown here.
[click images to enlarge]
(1) Cía. Sutphen de Lavaderos de Oro
1905 |
(2) Argentine Tierra del Fuego Exploration Co.
1905 |
(4) S.A.G. Hill Station
1906 |
S.A.G. y C. Menéndez Behety
(3) Punta Arenas promissory note
(6) Magallanes Golf Club
1919 |
Credits: Dick Hanscom (1-3,5); Kit Pettersen (6); Silvina Puig de Halliday
Last updated: 1-VII-2011